UthNity UthNity UthNity
UthNity UthNity

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

BOL Christmas Celebration + Love Feast

"Happy Birthday, Jesus"
a musical brought to you by Obed Edom Worship Ministry + UthNiTy

the choir kicked off the musical with the song "A Long Time Ago in Bethlehem"

Mary met Angel Gabriel.. and there the angel tells her of the message from God...

Mary became pregnant and this scene shows Joseph and Mary looking for a place to deliver the child..
the choir sings.."What Child is This"

Angel Gabriel delivered the good news to the shepherds that a Saviour has been born unto us..

and the shepherds went to find the baby wrapped with cloth found in a manger..

the choir sings "The Secret King" with Cindy singing the verse solo, and Huimin singing "Happy Birthday, Jesus" solo for the first part..

we ended in a high note with song "We Wanna Wish You a Merry Christmas!"

the end of musical... everyone enjoyed themselves.. both congre and performers... good job everyone! =)

Photos taking time!

our 3 musicians... 3 As: Andre, Aaron, Andy

Huimin, Andre, Aaron, Shiyin, Peijun
the choir

the uth participants!
we're all super high! =D
all performers JUMP!

ALL Performers

its cindesheep again!

the fun-loving brothers!

brothers with that 'anointed' turkey bones...

thank God for a wonderful night of celebration and performance! =)